General Promotions, Challenges & Events

Don’t Miss the 2022 Hazel Earth Week Challenge!

We’re exactly one week out from Earth Day, April 22, 2022! As a company devoted to combating climate change, there’s obviously few holidays on the calendar bigger than Earth Day for us–and this year, we want to celebrate by doing something really cool!

First, what’s bigger than just a day? Making it a week! So this year, we’re celebrating Earth Week!

And to celebrate Earth Week, we’re launching a special promotion & challenge for our users:

Hazel 2022 Earth Week Promotion

First, anyone who makes a purchase in Hazel this week–any purchase, supporting any project, at any amount–automatically will be emailed a unique reward code.

What’s the code do? We’ll get to that.

Second, the user who makes the largest purchase during Earth Week will be named “Official Earth Week 2022 Big Kahuna” and get a second unique code.

What’s that code do? We’ll get to that too.

What’s the code do?

OK, let’s get to that.

Your unique, one-of-a-kind code–whether just as an Earth Week participant or as the Big Kahuna–will enable you to receive a unique, one-of-a-kind digital asset in the upcoming Hazelverse web3 experience. This unique asset will be a way for you to customize your experience and show off that you were active in the Hazelverse from Day Zero.

The only way to get this asset from us will be to have a redemption code. If you don’t buy next week, you’ll miss out on ever earning this asset.

Would it have been cool to have the very first page on Facebook, or the email address “” (assuming your name is Bob)? You bet it would have been. This is your chance to be on board from prelaunch of something that’s going to be even cooler.

Wait, it’s a digital… what?

If you’re following us on Twitter, you’ll know some of our plans for the Hazelverse. In this new experience, you’ll be given an island of land in the Hazelverse that you need to protect from climate change.

The digital asset you’ll get for participating in our Earth Week promotion will be something that you can add to your island to customize it. And you’ll be one of a handful of users who have the customization–or, if you’re the Kahuna, the only one.

How to Join In:

Want in on the fun? It’s easy to join!

  • If you haven’t already, download Hazel for iOS here or Hazel for Android here.
  • Open Hazel & signup for an account (or just sign in)
  • Tap “Impact” and select the type of climate impact you want to make
    • Want to eliminate the negative climate impact of your driving? Pick “Supplemental” and a vehicle size under “Gasoline Usage”
    • Want to eliminate the negative climate impact of a recent flight? Pick “Supplemental” and a flight time under “Air Travel”
    • Just want to capture the amount of carbon emissions that is typical for most people each month? Select “Baseline” and then your impact level

That’s it! We’ll email you your unique code shortly after your purchase!

Best of all, like any Hazel purchase, not only are you funding critical carbon removal efforts but you’re also earning Hazelcoins and status on your dashboard–check out your “Me” tab to see!

How Do I Know If I’ve Reached Ultimate Kahuna-ness?

(Or if I’ve gotten bumped from my perch?)

When we email you your code, we’ll tell you if you’re currently in the lead or not. All week we’ll be publishing leaderboards to LinkedIn and Instagram (using buyers’ initials to respect privacy) so you can track where you stand. Make sure to follow to see where you stand!

(And of course, you can always just email us and ask)

Don’t let this opportunity for Kahuna-immortality slip by!

Special Atlanta Green Market Festival Information

We’re excited to partner with the Atlanta Green Market Festival on 4/23 to be their preferred carbon removal partner. If you’re going to the market, you’re someone who values environmental action, and we know you’ll want to help do your part to help the climate.

All users who make a climate impact through Hazel during the festival will get an Earth Week code for their participation. In addition, we’ll be aggregating the amount of impact all festival goers make on 4/23 and reporting out through the festival’s organizers to all attendees.

Let’s make this year’s Green Market Festival not only fun & educational, but a positive impact on the climate!

We’re excited about Earth Week, and we hope you are too! Download Hazel. Follow us on social media. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated. And let’s make a huge impact during Earth Week this year!


2022 Impact Challenge: Results Are In!

You guys are amazing!

We challenged you a few weeks ago to join in on our 2022 Impact Challenge — and boy did you respond!

We populated our social media feeds with tree hugging photos like this:

We got new users involved. We got people excited about Hazel.

And best of all, we had a HUGE impact on climate change!

Consider this: With your hard work during our challenge, we collectively removed enough carbon from the atmosphere to:

Remove 18,000 miles driven by a Chevy Suburban! That’s driving your Suburban from Helsinki Finland to Cape Town South — and back!

Or, if you’re more fuel efficient, we removed 38,000 miles driven by a Honda Accord. That’s the equivalent of going from Lisbon Portugal to Magadan Russian–across all of Europe and Asia–FOUR TIMES.

If you're going long-haul, go in style--just make sure to eliminate your climate impact with Hazel!

Air travel more your thing?

We eliminated 3 roundtrips from New York to Tokyo — or two trips from London to Sydney, Australia.

All that travel seem tiring? (Can’t imagine driving across Siberia in a Honda is much fun — particularly in the winter)

Then consider this: We also removed the equivalent amount of carbon generated from heating 36 homes in an average snowy climate with natural gas for a month.

The weather outside is frightful…

If you’re one of the many who took part in the campaign, be proud of the impact you had! If we all do just a little bit, it adds up dramatically. If you missed the opportunity to join in, it’s never too late to get started — download Hazel on iOS or Android to get started!

Thanks everyone for helping start 2022 on the right path!

PS — We also HAVE A WINNER of our Easter Egg challenge! More on that later…

Company News & Updates

Join the Hazel 2022 Impact Challenge

It’s (finally) 2022! And with the new year comes everyone’s favorite: New Year’s Resolutions!

This January, in addition to pledging to go to the gym or to eat better, why not make a resolution for the climate?

If you’re resolving to make an impact on climate change, join our Hazel 2022 Impact Challenge!

From today until the end of January, for every user who contributes to a Hazel project at the 150% Impact Level, not only will you be supporting atmospheric carbon removal, but:

I’ll post a photo of myself to our social media channels hugging a tree!

🌲 🌴 🌳  Yes, a tree. 🌲 🌴 🌳

This tree needs a hug.

It might be an oak.

Maybe an elm.

Maybe a sequoia?

(OK, probably not a sequoia…)

The only way to find out: Make an impact with Hazel.
We’ll begin 2022 with a stream of tree love–help us start the new year right!

Since we know you’re competitive, we’re adding a wrinkle:
Fund a project at 150% AND get your friends to fund at 150% too.

The user who gets the most friends to sign up and fund at 150% gets their impact doubled AND gets to add a hidden message in the upcoming Hazelverse experience (yes: a launch Easter Egg of your own!)

How to Get Started:

1. Open Hazel

2. Go to “Impact”

3. Under “Baseline” choose “150% Impact Level”

4. Check out

That’s it!
Look for your tree hugging photos within 24 hours of checking out!

Company News & Updates

Join Arbor’s Earth Day Campaign!

This Earth Day, we’re doing something we’ve never tried before: We’re going to try to set a new one-day record for the total number of gas fill-ups we eliminate from the atmosphere!

Starting at midnight tonight and going through midnight tomorrow, when you select and purchase the elimination of any tank of gas in the Arbor app your purchase will count toward the campaign total! So whether you drive a Prius or a Suburban, your gas elimination purchase through Arbor will make you both climate positive AND help the Arbor community reach its goal.

Our initial goal is to eliminate the impact of 20 tanks of gas. Fund the elimination of a tank you’ve purchased recently with Arbor tomorrow and join the rest of our community in reaching our goal!

Why gas?

We decided to focus on gas because, as pandemic restrictions lift around the country, we’re all starting to drive again–and every time we use a tank of gas we’re releasing hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This directly contributes to the climate crisis.

With Arbor, however, you can easily purchase the removal of a gas-tank’s-worth of carbon from the atmosphere, erasing your negative impact on the climate. It’s an easy, affordable step we can all take to have a positive impact on the planet. So as we all begin to emerge from multiple months of pandemic lockdowns, we picked gas purchases as the activity we’d focus on for Earth Day 2021.

How much impact will this have?

Great journeys are comprised of multiple small steps. In a similar way, every action we take has an impact on the climate–the question is whether it’s positive or negative. With Arbor, you can turn even negative actions like using a tank of gas into a net-positive for the climate and help reverse climate change.

Although 20 tanks of gas is small in the grand scheme of things, it’s not insignificant–it’s about half of what an average American purchases in a year. Alternatively, it’s about 9,000 miles of driving–the equivalent of driving from New York to LA three times (or the distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Magadan, Russia if you were to drive the entire length of Europe AND the Trans-Siberian Highway!)

That’s a lot of impact.

How do I follow along?

If you’re an Arbor user, keep your phone handy–we’ll be sending out updates (as app alerts to your phone) all day! We’ll also be sending out updates via our email list and social media channels.

Sign up for our email list and get on the waitlist for Arbor on our home page.

If you haven’t already, follow Arbor on social media:

How else can I help Arbor fight climate change?

Tell your friends to sign up for our waitlist (tell them to add their email address here)! We’ll keep them updated on climate change & how our product is developing and get them early access to the app.

We’re rolling out a ton of exciting new features to the app over the next few months, and we’d love to get their reaction & feedback too! (Plus: The more people in the Arbor community, the more impact we can have!)

This climate change stuff and all is great, but can you just show me cute videos of polar bear cubs?


OK, how’s this?